Hello Friends.. :)
i am writing this post as a solution for How to reset password for Kaspersky Internet security and Kaspersky Antivirus of all version and windows.
Before we start the procedure i wanna introduce something to understand working of above solution.
Friends, Hope you know that,
in windows operating system All application settings are save in two form either in registry files, or application local file.
So if you wanna crack any software this can be achieve by one of above.
But Here we are not going to crack, instead we are going to little same.
Kaspersky Stores Password setting in Registry File, Location Varies Version to Version of application as well as Windows.Now i wanna describe step by step to reset password.
1. boot into safe mode (make sure Kaspersky isn’t running)
2. open a command line and type “regedit.exe”
3. once inside the editor go to
In Windows x86 And Version AVP11/12/13:
In Windows x64 And Version AVP11/12/13:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeKasperskyLabprotectedAVP13settingsand look for and entry that reads “EnablePswrdProtect”.
4. Right click on “EnablePswrdProtect” and select modify.
5. The value data should read 1, change it to 0, click ok and reboot.
Hope you will like this solution, If you have any query from cyber you can comment below.
I will Try to provide An Automatic Tool For This Soon.. Till Now You Can Use Above Manual way.
Good Bye.... ☛ unknowndevice64 ☚
i am writing this post as a solution for How to reset password for Kaspersky Internet security and Kaspersky Antivirus of all version and windows.
Before we start the procedure i wanna introduce something to understand working of above solution.
Friends, Hope you know that,
So if you wanna crack any software this can be achieve by one of above.
But Here we are not going to crack, instead we are going to little same.
Kaspersky Stores Password setting in Registry File, Location Varies Version to Version of application as well as Windows.Now i wanna describe step by step to reset password.
1. boot into safe mode (make sure Kaspersky isn’t running)
2. open a command line and type “regedit.exe”
3. once inside the editor go to
In Windows x86 And Version AVP11/12/13:
In Windows x64 And Version AVP11/12/13:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeKasperskyLabprotectedAVP13settingsand look for and entry that reads “EnablePswrdProtect”.
4. Right click on “EnablePswrdProtect” and select modify.
5. The value data should read 1, change it to 0, click ok and reboot.
Hope you will like this solution, If you have any query from cyber you can comment below.
I will Try to provide An Automatic Tool For This Soon.. Till Now You Can Use Above Manual way.
Good Bye.... ☛ unknowndevice64 ☚
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